
What happens when you draw someone who is naked/nude/unclothed?

September 25, 2019

Is the act of drawing a naked person any different from drawing a vase of flowers or a house or a hillside scene ? Is the exercise primarily one of skill and technique, of shading and line?Of this pencil or that charcoal. How important is the humanity of the model in this exchange?Does the fact that the model is naked and therefore ( potentially) vulnerable alter the act of drawing? What is actually going on here?


In the May Late Shows I explored a little of what actually happens in a life class in LIFE CLASS , a play performed in our life class studio. The audience may initially have thought that they were trying out a short free session of life drawing . Gradually though, the people with their pencils became the participants of a play that examined in close and often embarrassing detail what the models thought about during the tedious and painful minutes of remaining still. It also examined what the artists thought as they strove to capture an arm or a breast with a blunt 3B pencil.


I continue to research what is actually happening in a life class. Next May will see a new play with a new direction or take on nakedness in the art room. If you are interested in being involved in this project get in touch with me.

Gina Crowley

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